Lucky Ties
Discover the new craze and find out why every one is ditching their old traditional hair ties for Lucky Ties! Gentle yet durable; these knotted hair ties look just as good on your wrist as they do your hair. They're so cute and feel good in your hair too!
Search through all the wonderful jewelry Chopper Kiss has to offer I LOVE how a lot of the pieces have crosses on them...
I can't stop wearing these!
Only 5 dollars!

Hair Shadow
Join the fun with this new hair chalking trend. Get bright luminous hair without the commitment! This temporary hair shadow rubs on and washes out! Their specially made formula along with their one of a kind design allows you to “chalk” your hair without the mess! Not only is it less of a mess it is formulated with Macadamia Nut Oil which leaves your hair feeling soft and silky unlike any other hair chalks out there. Shows up vibrantly on all hair colors! Fresh Coconut Scent!
I love hair shadow and this stuff is hands down the best! It does not chalk away and get all over your clothing!!
So many fun products!
Let me know what you think of their products as well... love feed back!
Im not sure if my post before this posted because I did it on my phone so... Hi babe! Maybe one day we could meet up and do some posts together. I could really help you out with photos and web set up... I have an advice blog for now. Im pretty familiar with the blogging world just haven't gotten into it yet... I want to start a fashion/beauty blog! Follow me on twitter @EmmaSweigard ... and my website for my advice blog is! Check it out. Look forward to talking to ya girl. :)